IPSX- Creating a global decentralized IPs sharing Exchange(make money by sharing unused phone IPs)

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The age of Information technology began a few decades back with the world moving away from analogues to digital models,creation of the internet in 1969 and Sir Tim Berners-Lee inventing the world wide web (www.) two decades later.The world wide web was originally developed automate data sharing between scientist in different parts of the world.Since this earliest ideas,much faster developments have occurred making data -a piece of information- an important component of the modern world.Data is regarded as the new resource of our age-a resource that is invaluable.
Data and Internet Protocol addresses
At the heart of data mining activities are large volumes of Internet Protocol addresses called IPs. They are required in order to perform certain actions such as those of Data Mining. With over 3.5 billion internet users and 8.4 billion internet of things (IoTs) devices currently in existence,there is a need for large volumes of IPs. The industry is worth over 60 billion dollars and is growing at an alarming 16 per cent yearly. Almost every new techie device is someway linked to the internet. IPs underpines the data-related functions of these devices.There is also an increase in remote IPs usage by end-users for some common reasons such as improved privacy and security,access to geo-blocked service/media especially by hostile governments,by-passing national and corporate restrictions.For businesses however,the use of remote IP focuses on building VPN applications,Data Mining,Security and other micro tasks.It is an industry with so much potential especially with the right structure in place.
For businesses however,the use of remote IP focuses on building VPN applications,Data Mining,Security and other micro tasks.It is an industry with so much potential especially with the right structure in place.
The Problem
With much potential comes much challenges.The share volume of IPs required for industry performance is staggering.It is difficult to obtain high quality speed and bandwidth in large quantity. To obtain quality IPs and at huge volumes,they need to be rented or purchased from different IP providers.Otherwise,one has to deal with the problem of centralization-vis-a-viz high cost from a few IP providers,lack of privacy and security,government and corporate interference etc.This prompted the creation of the TOR project in 1997 which essentially shares IPs from different providers in order to complete a task.TOR is a successful project(currently has about 2.5million daily users)but with some limitations. First and foremost,the TOR project is free,giving little incentives to IP providers to share IPs with good bandwidth and speed quality,secondly it is not usable for businesses and service providers,lastly,one may be liable sharing IPs.
Solving the problems of 
  1. low liquidity
  2. low quality
  3. high cost 
in a way that would be beneficial to individuals and businesses would require a more structured approach.These problems are often encountered during the Data Mining processes, IP rental and IP sharing processes.
IPSX- Decentralization of data exchange.
Decentralization of data exchange will make it available to everyone. IPSX is a decentralized exchange for sharing IPs and a framework for building applications. IPSX will create the first truly decentralized IP Sharing ecosystem,which will create a global market place for IPs. When combined with other flexible tools such as APIs,SDKs,it will aid entrepreneurs and developers to create new applications on the existing IPs in the ecosystem.It will be based on the ethereum blockchain(in addition to other technological layers)to create a transparent,secured and efficient ecosystem.It will support Data Mining soft wares,VPN providers,web crawling bots,micro tasks. IPSX will effectively reduce centralization and eventually lower cost as the ecosystem is fully integrate IP sharing among it players. IPSX connects actors in a peer-to-peer manner,giving Data centers owners and individuals to others users.The IPs can then be used to complete one or more tasks,IPs provided from different locations.
Components of IPSX and how IPSX works?
The IPSX ecosystem will operate on three major technological layers:
1. Blockchain/Ethereum Layer- This will handle smart contracts that manage wallets,profiles of the players and token balance.The ecosystem will use of the IPSX tokens.There is also plan to make use Raiden protocols for micro-payments at this level(see ref.1)
 2.Application Layer-this will be handled by the IPSX Java app to manage the user interface and communications/synchronization with the two other layers. It will arrange the matching process and the deals.
3. Service/VPN connection layer- This is will be a third-party application used to instantiate VPN connections between actors in the ecosystem.
An end user will be able to install IPSX app on his device and share device’s IPs within a couple of seconds on the platform or rent an already existing IP from the platform.Large IPs providers and users are also able to do same with too much technological prowess on their part.System is fully automated to handle payment procedures as well.
Investors Guide
Investor are able to take advantage of investing early in the IPSX utility tokens.Token generation even is scheduled to commence on 28 February,2018.
Token Sale Hard Cap: 10,800 ETH
  • Pricing: 1 ETH = 70,588.23529 IPSX
  • China, Taiwan & US/Canada participants are not eligible
  • Available tokens for public sale: 303,529,411.8
  • IPSX Token distribution on 5 March 2018
Further details can be found on https://ip.sx/token-generation-event/
The Team
The team is made-up of industry experts who are experienced and proven capacity to handle project. Sergiu Draganus (along with other)created a Data Mining platform(Georanker-https://www.georanker.com/) focused on Local SEO Reporting instruments that connect to servers from different locations(more than 50.000) and retrieves data from Google, Bing, Bing, Yandex,Yahoo, YouTube in real time.This was in 2011.Other Co-founders are Xavier Buck and George Bunea.Further details are available on https://ip.sx and on Project white paper.
There are renewed interests in sharing economies such as those of Ubber,Airbnb etc.There are a lot of blockchain projects being developed in this regard.Underlying these are the ideas of decentralization,aimed at distributing wealth among the community members of a particular ecosystem. IPSX is first at bringing decentralization to the IP industry.It would truly be a remarkable feat if individuals and IPs service providers are able to get access to IPs or receive rewards for their IPs when they are not using it.At the same time,developers being able to build custom-based applications.

  1. https://raiden.network/
Reviewed by Imuetinyan Matthew

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