The DAICO: ICO Savior Or Wolf In Sheep's Clothing?


While the alt-coin market rumbles and SEC investigations roam free, a new experiment in token sales is underway. Last week, a gaming platform called The Abyss closed its sale and launched one of the first decentralized autonomous initial coin offerings (DAICO). Originally proposed by Vitalik Buterin, the DAICO aims to empower investors and provide more accountability to a rattled ICO market.  

In a traditional ICO, a development team receives the entire amount raised in one lump sum at the beginning of the project. A DAICO, on the other hand, lets token holders stagger the funding over time. Over the course of the project token holders vote for the rate at which the funds are distributed to the team by opening and closing a “tap”. They can vote to keep the tap open, loosen it so that even more funds flow, or shut the tap and walk away with whatever is left.

At first glance a DAICO seems reasonable. Making funding contingent on real-world results helps keep developers honest. It limits the likelihood of scams in an industry that has lost nearly 10% of investments to fraud. It also keeps a team motivated and hungry. Projects that frontload massive amounts of money to development teams diminish the incentive for them to build the actual product from which the token should derive its value.

But at the heart of the DAICO are two of the perennial questions facing the industry: (1) is crowdsourced decision making still inherently valuable even though it is often mistaken and easily manipulated and (2) how do open-source projects protect their brand when developers can copy code and quickly leap-frog into new opportunities?

Wisdom of the Crowds and Investor Engagement

A DAICO crowdsources decision making by frequently calling on investors to weigh in on the release of funding. Throughout the life of The Abyss’ development, polls to change the project's funding can take place as often as every 14 days. With the project scheduled to fully launch in 2020, there could be a lot of voting.

Even if token holders are continuously engaged, they may all use different metrics to determine a project’s success. Should they hold the team accountable to their proposed timeline? If The Abyss hits a roadblock and moves in a different direction, should token holders be excepted to stay on board? What if The Abyss doesn’t deliver on time but seems to be making a good faith effort?

It’s unclear what criteria people will use to vote or even what criteria they are expected to use. A project’s timeline is one potential reference point, but that can often be littered with technical jargon. The average investor may find it difficult to assess whether a team is progressing as expected.

Token holders will also be easy pray for the rumor mill and twitter gossip that dominates the space. While bad press may cause a project’s tokens to drop in value, their core assets needed to build the project usually remain untouched. In a DAICO, rumors could easily spread doubt and cause skittish investors to flee. A disgruntled former team member or even a competitor would also be well positioned to test an already delicate market.

Small bag-holder of tokens will be even less incentivized to weigh in as they have much less at stake. As voting in the Abyss’ DAICO only requires a quorum, pivotal decisions could be left up to the whims of a few whales. On the other hand, if the price of the network’s token rises, there will be little incentive to pressure a team even if they aren’t delivering.

Brand Loyalty and Open-Source Projects

The success of an open-source project relies on a certain degree of developer and user loyalty. A DAICO tries to keep developers devoted by reserving the right to cut-off funding at any time. Even so, developers can always pick up and try again. In an open-source environment, investors don’t have any IP rights over the work they fund. There is no non-compete provision preventing a team member from The Abyss from moving on and building the same product elsewhere.

Some new investors may be wary of funding a project that previously fell apart halfway through its development. Yet a former team will usually be best positioned to defend itself against detractors. They can always argue that the crowd was wrong and their rationale misguided. It will be, after all, the word of a named development team against that of an anonymous quorum of ex-token holders.

A DAICO is definitely a productive step towards protecting investors. It minimizes the risk that a team will abscond with money in seconds leaving only obscenities behind. It also creates a deeper connection between creator and investor, a soft dialogue that is often lacking in the space. Still, The Abyss and others will have to test whether the crowd can hold a team’s feet to the fire in an open source environment.

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