Sunday 10 June 2018

Fanchain by sportscastr

Introducing FANCHAIN by SportsCastr

Bringing Sports Media into the 21st century by building an incentivization platform for fan-created content

FanChain intends to build a decentralized global sports entertainment ecosystem that utilizes a unique token platform to incentivize and reward active participation, content production, and ecosystem growth.

Using SportsCastr's live-streaming platform, FanChain tokens can be paid to commentators who live-stream their own individual commentary for their own individual fanbase, giving television consumers the option to pick their favorite commentator.

The FanChain Token is able to be "stamped" with a specific team's identifier, which enables a team-loyalty system. This gives the power to third parties to grant rewards and privileges to stampted-token holders, such as private acces to tickets, merchandise, promotions, and other incentives for content-producers.

FanChain Tokens will not be offered or sold to persons located in the United States or any jurisdiction where the sale of FanChain Tokens is not permitted by law.



The Sports Media industry is falling behind the curve when it comes to providing innovative new ways to engage their viewers.

Sports fans generate endless value for teams and leagues through content creation and sharing, but they are never rewarded for their work. Clearly, the role of a fan as a passive consumer is in the past. The problem with the shift from fans as passive consumers to active content producers is that fans are not benefiting from the value they are creating for their favorite teams, and for other fans. Even though sports leagues are securing record-high distribution deals, and social networks are generating billions in revenue from user-generated content, fans have yet to be factors into the equation.


FanChain provides a framework in which fans are rewarded with a token that can be used within the sports ecosystem to which they contribute. By incentivizing the community to contribute to the social conversation that they rely on for an optimal sports experience, broader audience outreach is made possible via personalized content for more niche markets. Through the contribution of quality content to the sports ecosystem that users are apart of, a positive feedback loop is created that bolster demand for higher quality content, which in turn, creates more incentive for the production of quality content.


Fans can earn FanChain for sharing news, providing commentary and participating in the social conversation of their favorite team

FanChain tokens are used to pay for access to streaming services provided commentators on the SportsCastr platform, and allow FanChain holders to pick and choose their favorite commentators for their favorite sports team. The most innovative of commentators will be able to include new features on their streaming platform that increases the value of their service. Premium digital goods can be offered by high-profile streamers such as private content access or pay-per-view events.

Teams and leagues can offer rewards to their most engaged fans by targeting holders of their respective team-stamped FanChain tokens. Tickets, merchandise, private-access, or memorabilia are all potential rewards given to Stampted-FanChain token holders.

Online publishers, streaming platforms, and social networks can distribute FanChain tokens to encourage participation and user-generated content that increases viewership, revenue, and adoption. 

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