Tuesday 12 February 2019


      Falling in love is one almost inevitable theme of life and as people fall in love sometimes proceed to the next level which is a "Relationship". Most of these relationships which starts on a fairytale note usually end sourly and this is due to the neglect of some important factors that would have been of help preparing them for the journey,so,the next time you  want to fall head over heels into a relationship,consider these five factors.

    Why do you want to go into a relationship? What will the relationship accomplish? This compulsory questions would provide the answer to purpose. Do you see relationship as an escape route from your single status? Or you want somebody who will distract you from you problems? What would it be about? Will it be dates only? Calls only? Or will it be an avenue to know each other more? You must understand the purpose,remember the porpular qoute "when purpose is not known...abuse is inevitable".

    You must understand the place of time, One must know that relationship is a time consuming venture it is time demanding,have in mind that there would be time for calls, time for dates, time,time,time! Consider how much time you have to offer. Also define the duration of the relationship. Understand that relationship is time.

   Love  is the foundation of  relationship,a relationship cannot stand without love and love cannot thrive if it's not mutual. You must know and understand what you feel for your partner and be sure it's mutual. Mind you don't mistake infatuation or lust for love, Also do not assume love If you can't place what you feel for someone, please do not proceed into a relationship with that person because it will surely crash; You can't manage for too long, Mutual love cannot be overlooked.

    Relationship entails celebrating another's personhood, loving and caring for someone else, You must understand what it means to be responsible for another person's welfare. Going into a relationship you must understand that there are certain things that are expected of you from your partner. For example, a woman would expect you to protect, provide and pamper her.
A man expects you to respect and support him, Some people also expect sex in a relationship and some don't, Just know what is expected of you and be prepared.

      A lot of people go into relationships with the wrong mindset, thinking its bed of roses. Well it is, but you must know that it's not always smooth.you don't expect all the good on earth from your partner while you fold your hands and play guest. Understand you will make sacrifices, So it's for you to know

from the start what you can give up, things you would let go, and how much you can tolerate etc. Sacrifice is  a must because is all about the other person.
    Many relationships have met their Waterloo as a result of little or no knowledge about the relationship concept, but with the understanding of the above five factors, a relationship would not be a hard nut to crack, Relationship like any other venture require adequate planning, so before you dive into any relationship ,define it, Set the boundaries right , be sure of what you are getting into and know the purpose. With this you will be ready for a blissful relationship.

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